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September 2009

Colour printing takes a cue from nature 28 Sep 09

A scalable method of structural colour printing could find applications in forgery protection and the design of advanced materials.

Coating innovation boosts PV efficiency 28 Sep 09

Anti-reflection coating for glass improves light transmittance of solar panels.

Golden nanotubes show super contrast 25 Sep 09

Carbon nanotubes coated in gold show excellent photoacoustic and photothermal responses for in vivo medical imaging.

LED headlights hit the road 21 Sep 09

Previously seen on the Audi's high-end R8, LEDs from Philips Lumileds are set to penetrate further into the automotive market

A fitful recovery looms 21 Sep 09

The barrage of bad news may be easing in the US photonics sector, but good news remains in short supply

Tricolour entanglement could connect qubits 21 Sep 09

Demonstration is an early step towards a 'quantum switchboard'

An artistic take on trace analysis 16 Sep 09

Silver nanoparticles amplify Raman scattering to shed new light on ancient art objects

Direct frequency test keeps beams on track 14 Sep 09

Photon Inc's NanoScan beam profilers now take a direct measurement of the repetition rate, a boon in materials processing applications.

KOMET focuses on solar pay-off 11 Sep 09

In response to rapid growth in the photovoltaics market, manufacturers and laser specialists in Germany are joining forces to boost the production throughput of silicon solar cells by up to 50%.

Nanotubes set to shine for solar energy 11 Sep 09

Multiple carrier generation could boost efficiency

Optical quantum computing: watch this space 07 Sep 09

UK team claims important step towards practical, real-world quantum computers.

Switching on to LED lighting 07 Sep 09

Lumenova, Jenoptik to collaborate on next-generation LED lighting systems.

Plasmonic laser puts the squeeze on light 01 Sep 09

US researchers claim world's smallest semiconductor laser

Arm dentists with lasers, urge researchers 01 Sep 09

New dental technique can assess mineral content in teeth

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