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Historical Archive (January 2003 - June 2010)
The historic archive provides access to articles published prior to SPIE's acquisition of optics.org in July 2010.

January 2010

Sofradir reaches for the sky 27 Jan 10

Vendor to supply additional IR detectors for the European Earth observation mission GMES Sentinel-2

Ions trapped by optical fields 27 Jan 10

New laser-trapping technique for charged particles opens door to advanced quantum simulations

High-resolution OCT explores the gut 25 Jan 10

OCT inside the gastrointestinal tract could one day replace invasive biopsies.

Thin-disk lasers on the march 25 Jan 10

Trumpf engineers showcase advances in both infrared and visible disk lasers at the Photonics West meeting in San Francisco

Bright colour-changing skins 20 Jan 10

Electronic paper technology that can change colour without backlights

Nemotek passes the test 20 Jan 10

Morocco's wafer-level camera supplier has added test and certification capabilities to its manufacturing operation

The pulse quickens for ultrafast optics 18 Jan 10

German researchers are making waves in ultrafast physics

Practical 3D holographic screen debuts 15 Jan 10

For your viewing pleasure, Chinese scientists unveil a glimpse of the future – and it's in 3D

Germany focuses on OLED opportunity 15 Jan 10

Eleven of Germany's leading OLED vendors and research teams have formed an alliance to keep them at the forefront of the signage and specialized lighting sectors

Lidar tracks forest-fire pollution 11 Jan 10

Optical technology is helping the US Forest Service to gain a better understanding of wildfire behaviour

OCT vendors target growth, diversification 11 Jan 10

Despite economic crisis, OCT market grows to $315 million in 2009

Laser fusion gets HiPERactive 04 Jan 10

Over the next decade, a new generation of planned "super lasers" will give Europe's scientists access to unprecedented optical powers and intensities. Chief among them is the HiPER project

Tapping into the ocean colour scene 04 Jan 10

The eyes of the mantis shrimp point the way to better optical-storage devices

Laser sintering: control matters 04 Jan 10

Concept Laser's LaserCUSING process enables manufacturers to selectively fuse a wide variety of advanced alloys employed in rapid prototyping

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