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Quantum Focus

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Welcome to Quantum Focus, your quarterly gateway to the cutting-edge realm of quantum innovations and their diverse applications

As quantum technologies continue to revolutionize industries, Quantum Focus magazine serves as a comprehensive guide delivering the latest news, breakthroughs, and insights. Tailored for both engineers and C-Level management, Quantum Focus explores the rapidly expanding landscape of quantum applications, illuminating their relevance, potential, and impact across various sectors.

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Highlights in the Summer issue include:
  • Laboratory finds range of possibilities for quantum computing in DARPA program
  • Silicon photonics promises large-scale applications in quantum information
  • Stockholm University quantum breakthrough with light making materials magnetic
  • Optical computer installed at UK National Quantum Computing Centre
  • Sensor and quantum hubs win US government grants
  • Wave Photonics secures £4.5M; launches quantum PIC package service
  • JILA develops laser-based ‘world’s most accurate’ atomic clock
  • Infleqtion installs UK’s ‘first’ commercial optical atomic clock
  • PhotonVentures backs Eindhoven’s MicroAlign to ease ‘quantum bottleneck
  • Lawrence Berkeley Lab using femtosecond laser to create/destroy qubits on demand
  • plus the latest product launches from within the industry

Summer 2024

Highlights in the Spring issue include:
  • China-Europe group creates customizable waveguide arrays to drive photonic systems
  • Quantum groups combine to drive European quantum computing sector
  • One-way travel for light optical isolators based on Faraday rotators
  • QCi wins order for “revolutionary” underwater lidar
  • Max-Planck progresses UV spectroscopy with high-resolution dual-comb method
  • KTH Sweden develops 3D printed silica glass micro-optics on fibers
  • Researchers moving toward networked quantum devices
  • Twente leads ‘QU-PIC’ project to drive growth of quantum computing
  • Quintessent lands $11.5M to advance optical interconnects
  • IonQ claims quantum interconnect advance
  • ICFO develops QUIONE, quantum simulator that observes individual atoms
  • Japan’s RIKEN and NTT scientists create ‘optical conveyor belt’ for quasi particles
  • Toshiba tests show QKD can be integrated into existing regional networks

Spring 2024

Welcome to Quantum Focus, your quarterly gateway to the cutting-edge realm of quantum innovations and their diverse applications.

As quantum technologies continue to revolutionize industries, Quantum Focus magazine serves as a comprehensive guide delivering the latest news, breakthroughs, and insights. Tailored for both engineers and C-Level management, Quantum Focus explores the rapidly expanding landscape of quantum applications, illuminating their relevance, potential, and impact across various sectors.

Submit a paper and help address the central role photonics plays advancing Quantum 2.0—from fundamental research on superposition and entanglement through work being done to commercialize quantum technologies based on these principles. Share your work and collaborate with international experts, industry representatives, and students working to realize the potential of Quantum 2.0 science.

Visit SPIE.org for more info

Winter 2024

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