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January 2009

PEOPLE: Movers and shakers 30 Jan 09

News of the latest appointments at Luceo Technologies, SiOnyx, MEMSCAP and Transmode.

TRUMPF enters direct diode laser market 30 Jan 09

The new TruDiode direct diode laser series will replace the company's lamp-pumped cw lasers.

Surface plasmon polaritons get active 29 Jan 09

The first modulated femtosecond plasmon pulses open new possibilities for ultrafast data processing.

Nitrides thrive despite challenges 28 Jan 09

Tough challenges still have to be solved, nitride guru tells a packed audience at Photonics West.

Philips: 'LEDs will take the world by storm' 28 Jan 09

But Lumileds' parent company is still cutting jobs across the wider company.

nLIGHT diode enters 88x nm region 27 Jan 09

An expansion into 879 to 888 nm opens up uses in marking and materials processing.

China to lure more scientists from abroad 26 Jan 09

China has announced a new five year plan to attract more scientists to the country.

Infrared camera sees oil spills at night 23 Jan 09

An infrared sensor can now be used to detect oil spills around offshore platforms 24 hours a day say US researchers.

Novel fibre delivers ultrafast pulses 21 Jan 09

Raydiance is developing a fibre to transport ultrashort pulses without damage.

Surface plasmons sense carbon dioxide 20 Jan 09

Optics.org speaks to the team pioneering a surface plasmon resonance sensor that works at mid-infrared wavelengths.

Business briefs 19 Jan 09

Featuring news from Displaybank, e2v, FLIR, Novaled and more.

CMOS creates silicon optical isolator 19 Jan 09

Photonic chips could benefit from the first optical isolator that can be fabricated using standard semiconductor technology.

Optical sensors watch US infrastructure 16 Jan 09

Civil structures will be monitored by new optical sensors using lasers from RIO.

Displays exhibit LED power at CES 2009 15 Jan 09

Overall girth and efficiency are now key product statistics for displays.

Narrow waveguide strengthens optical trap 15 Jan 09

Channelling light through a sub-wavelength waveguide is allowing researchers to manipulate the smallest particles to date.

Adaptive optics speeds up airport immigration 15 Jan 09

An iris-recognition system that uses adaptive optics to compensate for subject motion could move this biometric technique into mainstream security applications. Marie Freebody speaks to Phil Tusa of AOptix to discuss the development in more detail.

Is it beneficial to protect my product or design in China? 15 Jan 09

There are three types of patent protection available in China. Jacqueline Hewett asks patent attorney Mark Yeadon to explain the options, exactly what each one covers and why they are worth considering.

Know your needs before buying a beam profiler 15 Jan 09

Precisely measuring the parameters of a laser beam is crucial to using it successfully. Allen Cary of Photon Inc describes the range of beam profiling techniques available.

2009: executive perspectives 15 Jan 09

There is no doubt that 2009 will be a challenging year for the optics industry. The economic downturn, industry-wide skills shortage, environmental concerns and the new US president will shape the market. OLE asks five industry leaders for their opinions on these big issues.

Vienna encrypts communication network 14 Jan 09

A European telecoms network has become the first to use quantum cryptography to securely transmit information. Nadya Anscombe finds out about the enabling technology and the next generation of equipment under development.

Diversity is strength for high-power laser diodes 14 Jan 09

Innovation is the name of the game as laser diode makers strive to open up new markets for their products. Bookham explains that the trend towards higher powers must be matched by higher brightness and lower cost.

Exploring multiphoton microscopy in depth 14 Jan 09

Over the last two decades, the use of multiphoton microscopy has spread to all major areas of biological research. Marie Freebody speaks to John Girkin about the remarkable potential of this powerful technique and the innovations that have aided its growth.

Experiment resolves century-old optics mystery 13 Jan 09

After 100 years of conflicting experimental results, a team from China believe that it has finally unravelled the puzzle surrounding the momentum of light.

QCL emits a surprising second beam 12 Jan 09

Princeton researchers have discovered an entirely new mechanism of light emission from quantum cascade lasers.

Business briefs 12 Jan 09

Featuring news from StockerYale, FLIR, Hamamatsu and more.

Photovoltaics still set to grow 09 Jan 09

Thin-film PV materials are well positioned for the future, despite the global economy.

KBBF crystal gives direct access to DUV 07 Jan 09

A laser that tunes across the deep ultraviolet from 175 to 210 nm could suit applications such as spectroscopy and lithography.

Laser diodes stretch further into the UV 07 Jan 09

Hamamatsu extends the emission of UV diodes to 336 nm.

Business briefs 05 Jan 09

Featuring news from NanoMarkets, DisplaySearch, Cree, Volcano Corporation and more.

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