New vision system approach achieves higher-precision results than earlier laser-based systems, says QUT, Queensland team.
Affordable switchable windows could improve energy efficiency in buildings and help keep cars cool.
IMAO and Resolve Optics funded via Horizon 2020 SME Instrument scheme.
Specially adapted VW Touaregs Martti and Marilyn are equipped with cameras, antennas, sensors and laser scanners.
Fraunhofer ILT will present space-borne lidar and diamond lenses enabling 90% lighter laser optics.
Novel gas testing drone with onboard infrared sensing kit will transform environmental analysis, improve disaster relief efforts.
Optical material is isotopically pure hexagonal boron nitride, which resolves details as small as a virus.
In European LOMID project, Fraunhofer FEP develops lightweight VR spectacles using OLED based displays.
Australian-led group modulates visible light to control coupling; method could cut cost of making ICs and more.
CEA Leti silicon photonics process incorporating DFB laser said to be fully compatible with large-scale integration.
Imperial College team reduces distance over which light can usefully interact with itself by a factor of 10,000.
Venture developing PIC-based OCT module that promises handlheld scanners; new paper will showcase work at Photonics West 2018.
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