International team says results show significant "up-scalability" of their new thin film technology.
Cambridge researchers say their ANTs (actuating nano-transducers) could one day treat living cells.
Two grants have been awarded to biological imaging and laser material research projects in Germany.
Developed by four-year ROBUST project, the LZH system uses LIBS, like ExoMars probe.
Leading lights in photonics research attend official opening of the Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology.
Partnership between Southampton and Bordeaux achieve control of integrated optical circuits with patterns of light.
Thought zero-power brain implants were a Hollywood fantasy? Not if DARPA succeeds in research now under way.
As 3-year project concludes, European partners detail their achievements in performance improvements and efficiency.
Team led by Bochum's Martina Havenith develops new method to measure real time heat and energy changes at protein-solvent interface.
Pattern-recognition technique does not rely on fluorescent labeling and works with tiny sample volumes.
Researchers in Italy develop compact spectroscopy tool claimed to be ten times cheaper than radio-carbon dating.
Rhode Island sensor firm also releases developer kit to support integration and testing activity.
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