Support via new industrial strategy fund could support development up to five quantum-enabled devices.
France-developed laser source for infrared chemical imaging is a promising tool for detailed early medical diagnosis.
Computational photography based on laser transmissions could solve a problem that has long limited potential of self-driving cars.
Politecnico di Milano's detection chain is also potentially more robust and cost-effective.
London researchers say "breakthrough" masers could be used more widely in medical imaging, airport scanners and more.
'Spheroidized' form of hard-wearing metal thought to be well suited to laser additive processes.
ICFO researchers develop non-invasive, point-of-care optical device to study sleeping disorder and improve treatment.
Patented Laser Wire Direct Closeout method cuts manufacturing time and cost for thin-but-rugged rocket nozzle production.
"Mutually beneficial" agreement will see co-development of silicon photonics plus joint presentations at shows and conferences.
Scientists at NTU use ground glass and monochrome sensor to reverse-engineer scattered light, regenerate color picture.
€3.4M joint investment with Irish Photonic Integration Centre to focus on silicon photonics technology.
Prima system trialed in three patients with Atrophic Dry-AMD; all now showing positive reactions to implants.
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