Femtosecond laser writing could create energy harvesting devices more easily and cheaply.
UK-funded 'LYRA' project aims to deliver a quantum networking unit for future data centers.
Fraunhofer IAF’s optically-pumped sensors offer high magnetic field sensitivity.
Ozcan group extends processing power using spatially incoherent diffractive networks.
UC San Diego combines microelectrodes with two-photon microscopy to study neurons from implant on brain's surface.
New technique employs superluminescent LEDs rather than femtosecond laser sources.
Researchers develop broadband, tunable absorber using a carbon-based metamaterial, promising novel applications.
Starting from empty picture, “Blackout Diffusion” could enable new scientific applications.
Method yields new capabilities in material studies and control of electron beams.
Researchers in China explore applicability of NIR spectroscopy to neural observation.
Specialized laser delivering two wavelengths determines how each viral component degrades.
Tiled titanium:sapphire laser amplification promises to enhance the experimental capability of ultrashort lasers.
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