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20 Sep 23
RIKEN boost for laser-based ice-core sampling for studying climate change

New laser melting sampler has 3mm depth-resolution; three times smaller than currently available systems.

20 Sep 23
INRS camera catches sight of transient events

New approach to time-gating lowers cost of imaging for biological samples or lidar.

19 Sep 23
Boston University spots stalled blood flow in brain capillaries

Two-photon Bessel beam approach allows fast volumetric imaging to spot circulation problems.

15 Sep 23
Waterloo researchers working to reliably process quantum information

New laser method controls individual qubits based on barium.

12 Sep 23
DARPA's POWER program partners to develop optical power beaming relays

Three teams, led by RTX, Draper Lab, and Beam Co., to develop free space optics power relays.

07 Sep 23
U.S. team taps AI to boost fusion energy output

Hewlett Packard Enterprise and the University of Rochester join forces under latest DOE scheme.

06 Sep 23
Medical research group develops etch-based method to tune microdisk lasers

Harvard Medical School and Mass. Gen. Hospital say new sources “promising” for nanophotonics and biomedicine.

31 Aug 23
Fraunhofer ILT: recycling refractory materials cuts 800,000 tons of CO₂ emissions…

…and Fraunhofer IWS develops new underwater metal laser cutting method.

31 Aug 23
Researchers develop ‘quantum’ method to detect infrared light at room temperature

Universities of Birmingham and Cambridge claim “breakthrough” in understanding of chemical, biological molecule processes.

31 Aug 23
Raman spectroscopy improves single-cell sorting

Boston University S-RACE platform uses Raman rather than fluorescence in flow cytometry.

30 Aug 23
UCLA improves ‘hi-fi’ data transmission with novel electro-optical method

Aydogan Ozcan-led group’s hybrid system speeds optical information through random diffusers.

30 Aug 23
NIST photonic thermometer speeds up temperature measurements

Frequency comb approach allows faster operation of devices, potentially in parallel.

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