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Optics+Photonics Showcase
23 Aug 13
Optical lattice clocks set new stability record

Record-breaking stability from NIST team is ten times better than previous best atomic clocks.

20 Aug 13
NvisionVLE scans esophageal tissues in real time

NinePoint Medical's OCT platform overcomes drawbacks of white light endoscopy.

15 Aug 13
Photodynamic therapy awaits its breakthrough moment

Ondine Biomedical believes PDT can overcome the hurdles that have held the technology back.

13 Aug 13
Laser scanning details climate change forest impact

Dual wavelength system measures impact of CO2 on leaf canopies.

06 Aug 13
Mauna Kea hones optical biopsy expertise

Success of Cellvizio points towards exploitation in new clinical applications.

30 Jul 13
Lockheed Martin delivers NIR camera For James Webb Space Telescope

Near-infrared camera arrives at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

30 Jul 13
Breakthrough in optical detection of DNA mutations

US academic partnership could help treat TB, cancer, based on visible spectrum analysis.

30 Jul 13
Plain surfaces transformed into low-cost touch screens

NTU Singapore invention is based on vibration and optical sensing technologies.

26 Jul 13
Rapid fashion: UK jewellers show laser additive designs

Students at Birmingham’s School of Jewellery use Concept Laser technology to design intricate pieces.

24 Jul 13
Raytheon UK launches laser-based IED detection system

"Soteria" can confirm and diagnose threats from a safe distance to maximise protection of troops and vehicles.

24 Jul 13
Ultratech laser system picked by SUNY

Spike annealing system to be used in development of 450mm semiconductor wafer manufacturing process.

22 Jul 13
Space technology detects eye disease AMD

UK team in sight of early test for AMD, the developed world’s leading cause of blindness.

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