Twin IR detectors mounted under an airplane's wings can spot dangerous ash particles from 100 kilometers away.
'VICTUS' platform, which performs both cataract and refractive procedures, set to ship by year-end.
US Army orders more than 12,500 of the Redmond, WA, firm's diverging green lasers for initial delivery, with more to follow.
A 500kW Soitec installation will provide electricity to the United Nations' latest climate-change conference in Durban, South Africa.
A $2M development led by Lockheed Martin will commercialize autonomous vehicle for inspecting deep-sea oil and gas infrastructure.
Winning Austrian development team and its partner expect to launch a commercial scanner next year.
SiOnyx says that texturing with a picosecond-pulsed laser boosts silicon cell efficiency and improves production uniformity.
Two new studies detailed at the American Academy of Ophthalmology's annual meeting suggest a safer and more effective treatment.
IMS Research analysts say that the global average retail price of a 60W incandescent replacement is now $36 - but twice that in Germany.
Japanese electronics giant is thought to be part of a dual-sourcing strategy in Apple's iPhone 4S.
High-brightness white LEDs made by US company Cree expected to reduce energy consumption by 60% compared with sodium lamps.
The two contractors, both working with cascade laser specialist Daylight Solutions, reveal their offerings for the US Army’s common IRCM program.
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