Steady recent fall in mortality from colorectal cancer attributed to increase in optics-enabled screening.
Partners to identify new applications for laser 3D printing in commercial aviation.
Combination of optical coherence tomography with surgical microscope gives surgeons 'unprecedented' views.
Fraunhofer IPMS presenting prototype of an optical sensor system at the 2014 Smart Systems Integration expo.
Clinical study of dynamic lens for treatment of presbyopia is under way in South Africa.
Researchers at Birmingham University pioneer novel blood vessel ablation method.
'OPALS' system - launching on 16 March - will enable 50Mbit/s, later 1Gbit/s, transmissions from Earth orbit.
Versatile, rugged processor and scanner take analysis into field and production line.
“More efficient methods” of printing 3D objects from large spectrum of materials.
Now delivering hi-res astronomical images, probing early Universe.
Economical, disc-based optical technique from Spain adapted for diverse commercial applications.
Infrared scanning system spots hydrocarbon leak threats up to 500m away.
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