Laser concept is time-reversed: light source becomes perfect light absorber; device could offer applications in mobile and medical.
University of Houston project could open up new uses for microfluidic technology.
Carefully tailored wavefronts might assist in deep-tissue imaging and optogenetics.
Four-year H2020 effort to develop silicon photonics-based air sensors “for everyone, everywhere”.
Push by Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics, Friedrich Schiller University and Thuringia state designed to support young photonics entrepreneurs.
Planning new Centre for Doctoral Training in Machine Intelligence for Nano-electronic Devices & Systems – or “MINDS”.
Significant development led by Macquarie, Australia, could improve applications in quantum communication and optical quantum data processing.
Navigates by "celestial compass" sensitive to polarized light from sky; promises new control strategies for autonomous vehicles.
Scientists from EPFL have developed a simple way to produce metasurfaces in just a few minutes at low temperatures.
City University of Hong Kong fabrication method boosts performance and operational lifetime.
University of Michigan discovery could be used for temperature control in future computers.
University at Buffalo will investigate alternatives to prescription opioids for oral ulcers and swelling.
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