Multi-purpose QCL gas spectrometers and vital sign monitors inside MRI scanners among the optical technologies transferring out of European labs.
European Commission and industry commitment means Europe has not ‘missed the quantum train’.
US Air Force Research Lab foresees greater weapons precison and sensors integrating personnel into military systems.
Directed energy weapons are ideal for the military but more development and investment is needed, says Trey Obering in a defense plenary in Orlando.
Optics giant intends €30M site to turn innovative ideas into 'market-ready' products.
Former NIST top executive brings broad research, technology, and leadership experience; to replace retiring Eugene Arthurs.
Extension of final integration and test phase sees launch window pushed back to May 2020.
London Gatwick said to be the first airport to trial autonomous vehicles for shuttling staff across the airfield.
Week-long communications expo relocates to San Diego, expecting more than 15,000 attendees.
Annual gathering of Europe’s representative group gets to work on strategic priorities for 2021-2027.
Follow-up funding of €10 million for the Brussels-based photonics innovation hub expected to support 100 product innovations.
High-profile senator calls for new five-year co-operative agreement expanding the Laboratory for Laser Energetics' activities.
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