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Research & Development
29 Jul 13
$4M for 'freeform optics' development center

New network of experts looks to advance the emerging field of freeform optics through industry/university partnership.

24 Jul 13
€6.1m R&D project aims to develop printable OLEDs

German industrial-academic “Cycesh” program to run for three years.

24 Jul 13
Glasgow University wins £3m grant for opto-electrical research

Projects to focus on solar conversion, energy efficiency and power systems.

24 Jul 13
CEA-Leti lens-free imaging catches cells in action

The new technique could be valuable for time-lapse imaging of biological systems.

24 Jul 13
Fraunhofer devises multicolored solar cells

To improve options for building designers - an end to black or gray solar panels?

18 Jul 13
UK engineers to develop 'underused' THz spectrum

Collaboration between leading universities to exploit promising scientific and commercial potential.

16 Jul 13
Flexible image sensors move nearer to market

Two new prototypes demonstrate the potential of conformable plastic-based image sensors.

09 Jul 13
Rofin UK lands funding to develop high-power picosecond laser

Project boosted by £1.1 million grant from regional fund could create 57 new jobs.

04 Jul 13
Atom-thick solar cells promise new dawn for PV

Ultrathin sheets could produce hundreds of times more power per weight than existing solar cells, says MIT.

04 Jul 13
Optical microphone offers greater sensitivity

Economical optical-audio sensor developed in Norway gives microphones hyper-acute hearing and a sense of direction.

03 Jul 13
Sugar solution makes bio-tissues transparent

Enables novel optical scanning approach to biological analysis.

03 Jul 13
Imaging defects in organic solar cells

Researchers in Munich develop novel method for visualizing material defects in solar cells.

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