Norway team expects improved solar cells, better LED light and "vast optical possibilities"; launches CrayoNano to commercialise development.
European “chiral breathing” development promises integrated polarisation filters, window glass with adjustable transparency, and chemical sensors.
Pan-European effort is developing new mid-infrared hardware for early-stage diagnosis.
Researchers exploit optical frequency comb sources on silicon chip for terabit data transmission.
Photovoltaic solar-panel windows coming to a home near you?
Tip-enhanced version of the spectroscopic technique used to identify herpes-causing virus.
While regulatory issues remain a challenge, nanoparticles could dramatically increase the effectiveness of the screening technique.
ORION and Alcatel-Lucent claim “first North American 400G network” for research-dedicated link.
Fraunhofer IPMS develops MEMS mirrors for microscopes; European partners deploying in genetics research.
€1 million Ireland-US project is the latest attempt to extract ‘clean’ fuel using electrodes and natural light.
NTU Singapore scientists discover material that could allow touch-and-display screens to double as solar panels.
UK universities, Indian research center and Tata Steel aim "to revolutionize" solar energy collection and storage techniques.
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