Princeton spin-out Andluca Technologies harnesses ultraviolet light to deliver additional power for electrochromic windows.
Marketing chief Sang Deog Yeo dazzles San Diego audience with promises of super-sized lightweight TVs and rollable, foldable screens.
Components featuring titanium oxide nanofins set to appear in consumer electronics and medicine, predicts San Diego plenary speaker Federico Capasso.
Paul Corkum shares secrets from the attosecond frontier during opening plenary at SPIE Optics+Photonics.
CMOS-based 'WISPR' instrument will take close-up photos of the Sun's corona with CCD-like performance.
Pioneering Stanford University researcher will receive prestigious Zukunftspreis at awards ceremony next month.
€100,000 in prizes for novel laser developments will be distributed at ceremony at Trumpf HQ in September.
Maxar acquires Neptec Design Group; Teledyne e2v develops sensor for small satellites; Emcore launches compact new gyro.
Following last year's devastating fire, Fraunhofer ISE's R&D center is reborn and pushing for resumption of European solar cell manufacture.
Lawrence Livermore laser team beats previous best of 1.9 MJ, set more than six years ago.
Tipped for a future Nobel prize, the University of Ottawa professor has landed the Institute of Physics' highest accolade.
Details technical objectives and investment totalling $650 million over next five years; program welcomed by SPIE.
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