Penn State and Paris Saclay universities show how light from 2D materials is modulated by 2D “island” core.
Using single-gradient metasurface to generate multiphoton entanglement enhances efficiency of quantum information processing.
Partners include LZH, Layertec, Asphericon, 3DMicromac, OptiXfab, Cutting Edge Coatings, Robeko, and Fraunhofers.
Optical-photothermal infrared technique improves upon existing fluorescence methods in search for microbes.
“Perovision” approach optimises nickel oxide layers using spatial atomic layer deposition.
HZDR team exploits chromatic aberrations as route to clinically useful images.
Nature paper details manufacturable platform with silicon nitride waveguides and barium titanate switches.
Paper claims the first diode-pumped samarium laser emitting in the visible range.
Combination of polarized and light-sheet methods reveals unexpected cellular coordination.
Chinese project develops optical imaging technique to monitor plaque aggregation.
Chip giant's first PIC products to provide customers with independent volume supply of two key components for optical modules.
Research team from the Chinese Academy of Sciences develops thin-disk source based around Ho:YLF crystal.
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