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March 2005

nLight claims diode laser milestone 31 Mar 05

Low-cost diode-pumped solid-state lasers could be on their way thanks to nLight’s high-power InP devices.

Patent highlights 31 Mar 05

The pick of this week’s applications from Kodak, Intel and JDS Uniphase.

Photonic crystal slows down light 29 Mar 05

Stanford scientists use a photonic crystal to reduce the group velocity of light by a factor of more than 100.

Business briefs 24 Mar 05

Including news from e2v, Evident Technologies, NanoOpto, Transmode, and more.

Tweezers offer point and drag control 23 Mar 05

Biologists benefit from 4D optical tweezers that move cells in real-time at the touch of a computer mouse.

Patent highlights 23 Mar 05

The pick of this week’s applications including a device from Airbus that could enhance aircraft braking.

JDSU acquires Lightwave Electronics 23 Mar 05

JDSU takes a bigger stake in the solid-state laser market by acquiring Lightwave Electronics for $65 million.

Business briefs 18 Mar 05

Including news from Advanced Photonix, Picometrix, UDC, Luxell, SpatiaLight and more.

Silicon LEDs emit in the infrared 18 Mar 05

Japanese researchers reveal an efficient emitter of near infrared light.

Digital microscope maps cells in 3D 18 Mar 05

A digital holographic microscope developed in Switzerland generates 3D images of transparent living cells.

Bell Labs opens facility in Ireland 15 Mar 05

The Nobel Prize winning laboratories open a research center in Dublin.

Scientists make movies of slow light 15 Mar 05

A European collaboration watches light pulses crawl through a photonic crystal waveguide.

Business briefs 11 Mar 05

Including news from Aculight, Lucent Technologies, JDS Uniphase, and more.

Cars get a multimedia POF network 10 Mar 05

Renault demonstrates a high-speed optical fiber network for piping video, music and data around cars.

Patent highlights 10 Mar 05

The pick of this week's applications including a device from Nokia that operates using Morse code.

Research round-up 09 Mar 05

A look at some of the innovations in optics unveiled this month.

QCL experts invent Raman laser chip 07 Mar 05

The first electrically-pumped Raman laser is reported in a paper in Nature.

Fibre-optic sensors for sea-bed testing 07 Mar 05

Project Stingray, which aims to commercialize fibre-optic seismic sensors for mapping oil and gas reservoirs under the sea-bed, begins testing this month. James Tyrrell reports.

Chemical lasers come to the defence of the skies 07 Mar 05

Are high-power chemical lasers ready for the battlefield? Northrop Grumman thinks so - its new business unit will tackle the transition from lab to deployment. Oliver Graydon reports.

Laser technology prepares for 21st century war 07 Mar 05

Directed energy systems are now beginning to show their capabilities on the battle-field. Oliver Graydon profiles two examples: a land-mine neutralizer and a missile-killer.

How to tap the potential of the military market 07 Mar 05

The UK's Ministry of Defence can help SMEs and universities fund state-of-the-art research. Neil Whitehall, operations director at one of its technology centres, explains how.

Integrating spheres tackle many tasks 07 Mar 05

If you want to measure the flux of a lamp or LED, the reflectance of a material, or the power of a laser beam, an integrating sphere is the perfect tool, reports Greg McKee.

Wafer-fused VCSELs shape up for enterprise applications 04 Mar 05

Swiss start-up BeamExpress has developed a high-volume manufacturing process for long-wavelength singlemode VCSELs, company founder and chief scientist Eli Kapon outlines the wafer-fusion technique.

Business briefs 04 Mar 05

Including news from Northrop Grumman, Jenoptik, Samsung Electronics, Konarka Technologies and more.

Lumileds targets automotive sector 04 Mar 05

Lumileds and Agilent have developed a range of mid-power devices that combines both parties' LED technology.

Depth sensor monitors fs machining 04 Mar 05

US scientists have taken rejected pulses from a femtosecond laser and turned them into a real-time optical probe.

Tiny spheres enhance data storage 03 Mar 05

An optical storage system that uses tiny polystyrene spheres could have a capacity ten times that of a DVD.

Flexible displays ready for roll-out 02 Mar 05

Roll-up displays get ready for use by designers of portable electronics.

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