Nobel laureate shared 1964 prize for physics with Nicolay Basov and Aleksandr Prokhorov.
International Year of Light launch packs dozens of cultural, political and scientific talks into two days.
Launch ceremony at UNESCO headquarters in Paris draws 1000-plus delegates to two-day fiesta.
Two Earth-sized planets in the so-called Goldilocks zone are thought to be made of rocky material.
International Year of Light installation in Amsterdam uses technology developed for exoplanet observations.
Jenoptik President & CEO will once again represent the technology platform for the European photonics sector.
Special Christmas decorations outside home of UK Prime Minister mark the countdown to IYOL.
Application of state-of-the-art lithography has driven Moore's law at the giant Taiwanese foundry.
27 innovations across nine categories shortlisted for the annual ceremony.
US cluster groups and other potential hosts attend meeting to discuss future $220 million photonics hub.
UK company wins recognition for rapid Raman imaging microscope.
Board of Stakeholders responsible for developing future funding calls in photonics.
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