Virtual histology of skin allows rapid diagnosis of malignant disease.
Rice University’s “benchmark” achievement boosts efficiency while retaining material’s ability to cope with harsh environments.
Aim of dedicated test facility is to ensure safe performance of future transportation systems.
Dayton researchers say sensor filter can reduce the number of cameras and sensors needed in smart phones, cameras, and cars.
Synthetic wavelength holography technique opens up new non-line-of-sight applications.
Nanostructured surface compresses laser pulse in conventional optics.
Fraunhofer ILT uses lasers to make customizable chambers within patient's body.
To create a hub of expertise in high-power, fiber laser research, and to develop quality optical fibers.
University of Illinois calibration target ensures consistent performance in imaging operations.
KIT, Karlsruhe, develops new type of optical resonator to track movement of nanoparticles in space.
Tests using Tyndall National Institute lung tissue phantom indicates value of technique in clinics.
University of Alberta optical approach produces colorized images without staining.
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