...while Toptica launches FemtoFiber ultra series for multi-photon microscopy, and lithography.
...while WUSL’s “optical barcodes” offer new applications in biomedical diagnostics.
LLNL, Fraunhofer ILT, and ELI partner to optimize high-intensity laser technology.
Industrial applications should also benefit from Tokyo University of Science near-infrared platform.
...and Ohio State and Tyndall collaborate on research into visible light-wave generation.
Expands application of compressed sensing to room temperature measurements.
...and QCi wins Johns Hopkins order for ‘revolutionary’ underwater lidar prototype.
…and Toshiba-Single Quantum collaboration doubles range of secure QKD communications.
Collaboration combines CMOS-based infrared sensor with 1300 nm emitter array.
Technique using two kinds of nonlinear crystal amplifies single-cycle pulses to new energy levels.
Federal Ministry of Education & Research awards €18 million for project over next three years.
TU Graz's laser-based technology enables continual RT monitoring of contaminants.
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