Starting point is an ytterbium laser – rather than the conventional Ti-sapphire laser.
Colorado researchers’ new method of computational imaging improves rendering of biological samples.
Treating patients with Facial K Carcinoma by non-ablative fractional laser ‘cuts repeat incidence by 50%’.
Michael Grätzel and Nam-Gyu Park (of Sungkyunkwan University) develop “facet engineering” to stabilise perovskite crystals.
Lab specified to verify beam quality of firm’s 50 kW-class laser architecture designed for the U.S. Army.
Norway’s NTNU and partners use graphene nanosensors to quickly detect coronavirus in blood.
Described in Nano Letters journal as “on-chip factory”, necessary for photonic-based quantum technologies.
1130 nm emitters from ams Osram enable outdoor operation for autonomous platforms.
Technology helps sensor and camera systems perform optimally by keeping optics transparent.
Swept scanning approach achieves faster frame rates to capture rapid movements.
Development of optical combiner with displays firm VividQ touted as a game-changer for nausea-free virtual experiences.
EPFL, ETHZ and Harvard team develops new thin-film circuit that creates THz laser waves.
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