Development could extend technique to sectors previously limited by high cost of specialized lenses.
Epiwafer foundry releases RGB multi-wavelength platform; Mojo lights up 300 mm GaN-on-silicon wafer for blue emitters.
Applications in microelectronics, nanorobotics, and – significantly – battery technology.
Max Planck Institute uses lasers to control position and movement in cells in embryos.
Funded by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, institute is installing network node hardware on location.
New protocol for flourescence imaging visualizes more than 50 proteins.
Grant to fund planning for a multi-state initiative to advance research in lasers and fiber optics.
Horizon 2020 project partners include LZH, Optomaterials, and Altechna; applications in space communications.
New data processing approach could relieve bottleneck for speckle techniques in clinics.
System developed by Prof. Nikolay Zheludev promises new optical and photonic devices.
"Quantum microscopy by coincidence" offers route to high resolution imaging.
University of Pennsylvania approach promises accuracy and flexibility for AI applications
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