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Historical Archive (January 2003 - June 2010)
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September 2003

ST tackles alternative solar cells 30 Sep 03

The Franco-Italian semiconductor manufacturer is developing alternative materials to make cheaper solar cells.

Patent highlights 30 Sep 03

The pick of this week’s patent applications including a free-space optical communication system.

Business briefs 26 Sep 03

Including news from Spectra-Physics, Nichia, Toshiba, DALSA and more.

Versatile VCSELs ready to go long 26 Sep 03

Tami Freeman takes a look at how long-wavelength VCSELs are being used to enhance transceivers.

Electronic paper reaches video speeds 26 Sep 03

Electronic paper that could display color images in real time is unveiled in this week’s Nature.

ST readies silicon emitters for market 25 Sep 03

Light-emitting silicon devices will hit the shelves within the next six months.

Patent highlights 23 Sep 03

The pick of this week’s patent applications including a way to improve the beam quality of a high-power laser diode.

Bookham continues acquisition spree 22 Sep 03

The UK company plans to buy New Focus while beefing up its datacoms business with Ignis Optics.

Business briefs 19 Sep 03

Including news from Corning, Sharp, Northrop Grumman, Varioptic and more.

Laser etches faces of golf clubs 19 Sep 03

Using golf clubs with a laser-modified surface could improve your game from tee to green, claims a revolutionary US start-up.

Hollow fiber carries megawatt pulses 17 Sep 03

Researchers report a photonic-band gap fiber that can transmit megawatt pulses in this week’s Science.

High-risk plans win financial support 17 Sep 03

Forty-four high-risk projects will share over $100 million in funding awarded by the US standards body NIST.

Patent highlights 16 Sep 03

The pick of this week’s patent applications including a laser system that can drill 500 holes per second in dielectric substrates.

Infrared light detects tooth decay 15 Sep 03

A dentist’s toolkit for detecting tooth decay could soon include an infrared-imaging system.

Business briefs 12 Sep 03

Including news from Dow Corning, Cymer, Bookham Technology and more.

Petawatt pulses blast record 12 Sep 03

Scientists say they have produced a 33 fs pulse with a record-breaking peak power of 0.85 PW.

Polarized light bends polymer film 11 Sep 03

A polymer film that bends when it is illuminated with polarized light is revealed in this week’s Nature.

TeraView unveils terahertz triumph 10 Sep 03

The first commercial system for terahertz spectroscopy makes its market debut.

Patent highlights 09 Sep 03

The pick of this week’s patent applications including an optical system that can recognise constellations in the night sky.

Business briefs 05 Sep 03

Including news from Ocean Optics, Melles Griot, Diomed and more.

Researchers report power record 05 Sep 03

Scientists reveal a high power ytterbium laser operating continuous wave at 985 nm.

Ice sensor protects aircraft 05 Sep 03

A European consortium develops an optical fiber sensor that detects the formation of ice.

Electronic visor aids motorcyclists 05 Sep 03

Electrochromic motorcycle visors developed in Sweden may help prevent road accidents.

EOS hopes for $120m payout 04 Sep 03

A patent battle regarding laser-sintering technology could result in a $120million payout for a German company.

Patent highlights 01 Sep 03

The pick of this week’s patent applications including an efficient way to make photonic crystal circuits.

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