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Historical Archive (January 2003 - June 2010)
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March 2003

Patent highlights 31 Mar 03

The pick of this week's patent applications including a mid-infrared-emitting microchip laser.

Business briefs 28 Mar 03

Including news from DenseLight Semiconductor, Cambridge Display Technology and more.

Room temperature ruby slows light 28 Mar 03

US researchers use a ruby to slow light to 57 meters per second at room temperature.

Optical fiber market waits to rebound 28 Mar 03

Corning reveals that the global market for optical fiber halved in 2002 at this week's OFC conference.

Florida wins $10 m for photonics 26 Mar 03

A USD 10 million grant will help establish a photonics center of excellence at the University of Central Florida.

Patent highlights 25 Mar 03

The pick of this week's patent applications including a method that reveals how diamonds have been colored.

Business briefs 21 Mar 03

Including news from Coreco, Raytheon, Three-Five Systems and Agility Communications and more.

Terahertz waves tackle tomography 21 Mar 03

A simple method for performing 3D imaging with terahertz waves is revealed.

Flowmeter tests eyes in zero gravity 21 Mar 03

NASA scientists probe changes in astronauts' vision with a laser Doppler flowmeter.

Research team strikes it rich with a photon drill 20 Mar 03

Oil is the lifeblood of the global economy, but drilling through thousands of feet of rock to reach it is a tough and expensive business. Michael Hatcher reports on a high-power laser project that could ultimately replace the traditional drill bit with a photon saw.

Cooling kit keeps lasers on the right wavelength 20 Mar 03

Too much heat can cripple or kill a laser system. Oliver Graydon profiles the cooling technologies that can help give optical sources a long life and a stable performance.

Optics brand merger gives birth to a photonics giant 20 Mar 03

At the start of 2003, Thermo Electron brought six of its optical businesses under the umbrella of its subsidiary Spectra-Physics. Jacqueline Hewett spoke to president of Spectra-Physics Guy Broadbent to find out more about the story behind the massive rebranding exercise.

Infrared technique detects bioagents 18 Mar 03

An infrared spectroscopy setup that can detect biological spores 3 km away is described in the current Optics Express.

Patent highlights 18 Mar 03

The pick of this week's patent applications including an implantable light source for treating internal tissues and organs.

Business briefs 14 Mar 03

Including news from DALSA, Philips, Cymer, Printable Field Emitters and more.

Raman probe beats resolution record 14 Mar 03

Researchers unveil an optical image with a spatial resolution of 17 nm, which they say is the highest reported to date.

Lasers inspect remote objects 12 Mar 03

The inventors of a remote sensing system say it can determine the makeup of solid targets up to 50 meters away.

Tiny devices aid optical computing 12 Mar 03

Optical computing could be one step closer thanks to nano-scale electroluminescent devices being developed in the US.

Patent highlights 11 Mar 03

The pick of this week's patent applications including a method to improve the performance of Q-switched lasers.

Business briefs 07 Mar 03

Including news from NTT, Sanyo Electric, GSI Lumonics, Zygo and more.

Digital cameras get organic displays 07 Mar 03

Color displays made from organic light emitters look set to transform the look of consumer electronics in 2003.

Violet-laser recorder comes to market 07 Mar 03

Sony plans to release the first DVD recorder based on a violet diode laser next month.

Patent highlights 07 Mar 03

The pick of this week's patent applications including a 3D video conferencing system.

Lasers light up Chinese theme park 07 Mar 03

An impressive array of laser and lighting effects is attracting visitors to China's dinosaur park near Shanghai.

Combined technique unravels DNA 05 Mar 03

Scientists studying DNA combine optical trapping and single-molecule fluorescence for the first time.

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