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Historical Archive (January 2003 - June 2010)
The historic archive provides access to articles published prior to SPIE's acquisition of optics.org in July 2010.

June 2003

LASER 2003: Friday 26 Jun 03

A round-up of the new products on display in the exhibition halls.

LASER 2003: Thursday 26 Jun 03

Visitors enjoy a reinactment of the first ever PDT experiments to celebrate the centenary of the technique’s discovery.

LASER 2003: Wednesday 26 Jun 03

Attendees see a new UV source with an output that can be tuned to anything between CW and pulses of a few nanoseconds.

LASER 2003: Tuesday 25 Jun 03

Trumpf introduces a 4 kilowatt thin-disk laser and a scanner for high-power remote-welding at the Munich show.

LASER 2003: Monday 24 Jun 03

Delegates hear news of a fiber laser with a record output power of 600 W.

LASER 2003 gets underway 24 Jun 03

Visitor numbers are up by a third on the opening day of the biennial event.

Business briefs 20 Jun 03

Including news from Cree, GSI Lumonics, RSoft, XenICs, Jenoptik and more.

Philips integrates TV into mirror 20 Jun 03

A wall-mounted mirror that also functions as TV is unveiled by Philips.

Diode emits practical terahertz pulses 19 Jun 03

Scientists in the US fabricate a liquid-nitrogen-cooled semiconductor laser that produces 3.4 THz radiation.

Patent highlights 18 Jun 03

The pick of this week's patent applications including ideas to perforate toilet paper and deter pests from your garden.

Safety specs stop femtosecond pulses 17 Jun 03

Eyewear that gives peace of mind to scientists using modelocked lasers goes on sale.

Business briefs 13 Jun 03

Including news from Sony, Cree Lighting, Cymer, LINOS and more.

Solvents make lasers in minutes 12 Jun 03

UK researchers unveil a simple technique that can fabricate a microstructured polymer laser in a couple of minutes.

Patent highlights 11 Jun 03

The pick of this week’s patent applications including a way to eliminate dark spots in OLEDs.

Frost report predicts modest growth 11 Jun 03

The world market for laser systems will reach USD 6.4 bn by 2009, says a Frost & Sullivan study.

Thermal imager probes Mars’ surface 09 Jun 03

Detailed images of the surface of Mars appear in this week’s issue of Science.

Business briefs 06 Jun 03

Including news from Lambda-Physik, EXFO, BeamExpress and Thorlabs.

NIF pulse sets energy record 06 Jun 03

It might be five years behind schedule, but the National Ignition Facility (NIF) says that it has set new world records for laser beam energy.

Chemical lasers get efficiency boost 05 Jun 03

A highly efficient chemical laser is unveiled by researchers at Ben-Gurion University in Israel.

Cryptography breaks 100km barrier 05 Jun 03

At CLEO in Baltimore, researchers describe a record-breaking ‘unhackable’ link.

Ultrafast pulses see inside the brain 05 Jun 03

Researchers describe an all-optical technique for studying the structure of brain tissue at this week’s CLEO.

Patent highlights 03 Jun 03

The pick of this week's patent applications including an invention that helps drivers see clearly in bad weather.

MEMS transform infrared imaging 03 Jun 03

Infrared imaging chips containing thousands of tiny silicon carbide cantilevers are about to rewrite the specifications of uncooled sensors - as well as reducing their price-tag. Rob van den Berg talks to the camera's makers.

Organic displays enter consumer electronics 03 Jun 03

Bright, efficient displays made from organic light-emitting diodes are starting to appear in mobile phones and digital cameras. Olaf Gelsen from German OLED maker Covion Organic Semiconductors charts the rise of this exciting new technology.

Powerful LEDs challenge optical safety standards 02 Jun 03

John O'Hagan of the NRPB describes how optical safety standards are being amended to stop high-brightness LEDs from slipping through loopholes in the legislation.

Surface mounted optics aid automated assembly 02 Jun 03

Michael Hatcher reports on a technique developed by a Swiss collaboration that paves the way towards faster, automated assembly of miniature optical subsystems.

Applications pinpoint positioning solutions 02 Jun 03

Confused about the range of positioning equipment on offer? Jacqueline Hewett investigates the competing technologies of flexures, piezoelectrics and bearings.

Sweet smell of success 02 Jun 03

From perfumes to photonics: Kathleen Perkins, the new chief executive of Breault, tells Oliver Graydon about her move into the optics industry and her plans for the firm.

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