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Historical Archive (January 2003 - June 2010)
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August 2003

Business briefs 29 Aug 03

Including news from Polytec PI, Zygo, FLIR Systems, GSI Lumonics and more.

Brussels sets aside €45m for optics 29 Aug 03

Photonics researchers across Europe have the chance to apply for a portion of a €45million fund.

Single fiber laser hits 1kW output 28 Aug 03

UK scientists have made a 1kW single fiber laser with a high beam quality.

Quantum effect improves tomography 27 Aug 03

Using a pair of entangled photons significantly improves the resolution of optical coherence tomography.

Patent highlights 27 Aug 03

The pick of this week's patent applications including a semiconductor laser with a tilted cavity design.

Business briefs 22 Aug 03

Including news from GSI Lumonics, JDS Uniphase, Laser Technology, Special Optics and more.

Lens problems scupper 157nm 22 Aug 03

Moore’s Law is still holding true, with the insatiable demand for ever-faster semiconductor chips driving the development of lithography tools that operate at increasingly short wavelengths.

Sea sponge grows performance fiber 22 Aug 03

Bell Labs researchers discover that optical fiber manufacturers could learn a thing or two from a deep-sea sponge.

Patent highlights 22 Aug 03

The pick of this week’s patent applications including an improved drive circuit for semiconductor lasers.

Gratings and etalons ease wavelength tests 22 Aug 03

Knowing the precise wavelength or spectral content of your source can be crucial in many applications. Jacqueline Hewett investigates the technology behind wavelength meters and handheld spectrometers, two instruments that are designed for this task.

Chinese star eyes Europe 22 Aug 03

China's largest maker of industrial lasers is searching for international partners to grow its business. Oliver Graydon met Chutian Laser chairman Sun Wen at LASER 2003.

Thin disk sources get powered up 21 Aug 03

After successfully entering the ophthalmology market, the next challenge for thin-disk lasers is materials processing. Trumpf and Rofin-Sinar are backing the technology with multikilowatt-scale systems, as Michael Hatcher reports.

Stretched solar lens cuts space costs 21 Aug 03

An ultra-light Fresnel lens harnesses sunlight with record efficiency, reducing the weight and cost of solar panels launched into space.

Diodes relieve vein pain 21 Aug 03

A study proves that diode laser treatment of varicose veins is highly effective in the vast majority of cases.

Squeezed light takes aim 19 Aug 03

A French-Australian research team creates an ultra-precise laser pointer using squeezed light.

Business briefs 15 Aug 03

Including news from Spectra-Physics, Jenoptik, Dai Nippon Printing, Universal Display Corporation and more.

Smart fiber fence foils intruders 15 Aug 03

An optical alarm system with built-in intelligence stops intruders in their tracks.

Lasers tackle radioactive waste 14 Aug 03

A 360 J laser pulse transmutes an isotope with a half-live of 15.7 million years into a lighter isotope with a half-life of just 25 minutes.

Ceramic lasers diversify again 14 Aug 03

Scientists in Japan and Russia unveil a ceramic-disk laser based on ytterbium-doped scandium oxide.

Patent highlights 12 Aug 03

The pick of this week’s patent applications including a lens implant that reduces the risk of secondary cataracts.

Business briefs 08 Aug 03

Including news from Coherent, Avanex, GSI Lumonics, Rofin-Sinar and more.

Visible fiber laser sees red 08 Aug 03

US fiber laser specialist IPG Photonics develops a source that emits at the very far edge of human vision.

Lithography giant axes workforce 08 Aug 03

ASML, the world’s largest supplier of lithography systems, is cutting 550 jobs, 11% of its workforce.

Patent highlights 06 Aug 03

The pick of this week’s patent applications including a fingerprint sensor and a security tag made from micro-optics.

Cellophane wraps up 3D displays 05 Aug 03

Cellophane, the ubiquitous packing material, can also turn a laptop screen into a 3D display.

Business briefs 01 Aug 03

Including news from Boeing, International SEMATECH, Exitech and Jenoptik.

Financial focus 01 Aug 03

The latest financial results from Bookham Technology, New Focus, VISX, Cree and more.

Bent fibers put networks at risk 01 Aug 03

Research suggests that bent optical fibers can be permanently damaged at power levels of just a few hundred milliwatts.

Live animals undergo solar surgery 01 Aug 03

An Israeli team has operated on two rats using concentrated solar rays.

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