The pick of this week’s patent applications including a lie detector that uses infrared laser pulses.
Images taken by digital cameras could soon be a closer match to what the eye actually sees thanks to a new color filter developed by Sony.
Latest results from some of the industry’s big hitters, including Coherent, JDS Uniphase and GSI Lumonics.
The solar-powered car developed by the University of Missouri - Rolla wins the American Solar Challenge in record time.
Revenues plummet 32% year-on-year and the ultraviolet laser specialist expects little improvement for the rest of this year.
A grating-coupled device can detect the presence of E coli bacteria in a fraction of the time taken by standard test equipment.
The pick of this week’s patent applications including a way to make efficient white-light emitting OLEDs.
Including news from Corning, JDS Uniphase, Strategies Unlimited, Lumileds and more.
Could cadmium sulfide quantum dots replace phosphors in solid-state lighting?
If you're designing an optical system - be it a single light-bulb or a petawatt laser - there is a software package that can help. But how
do you choose the right one for your needs? Michael Hatcher looks at six of the most popular packages used by the optics
Compact personal image projectors could soon be changing the world of consumer electronics, and all at a price that's easy on the pocket. Jacqueline Hewett finds out more.
Thanks to a boost in their output power, fiber lasers could soon challenge diode-pumped Nd:YAGs as the source of choice for materials processing tasks. Oliver Graydon spoke to Southampton Photonics about its new range of products and its move away from telecoms.
The European Space Agency is mapping Europe's vineyards in unprecedented detail to help vine growers across the continent.
Two teams are battling it out for the top spot on day three of the American Solar Challenge.
The pick of this week’s patent applications including methods for making ceramic optics and deodorizing bed linen.
Dung beetles use the polarization of moonlight to move in a straight line.
Scientists use an alexandrite crystal to slow light to 91 m/s and make laser pulses travel faster than the speed of light.
Two researchers in Australia have come up with a simple way to make glass that lets in sunlight but blocks most of its heat.
The pick of this week's patent applications including a polymer solar cell and a Raman amplifier that uses a microstructured fiber.
Including news from Cambridge Display Technology, Bookham Technology, ThreeFive Photonics and more.
Scientists demonstrate that two photons can travel a total of 600 meters through free space and still remain entangled.
Acne sufferers could soon be benefiting from an LED-based treatment system that has just received US FDA approval.
The pick of this week’s patent applications including a method to detect lead contaminants in calcium fluoride crystals.
Polymer lenses doped with light-activated drugs may ease treatment of secondary cataracts.
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