But net quarter revenue of $258.1m exceeds top of guidance; company launches new 9kW and 3kW fiber lasers.
Fiber laser pioneer reports another record quarter, driven by booming sales of high-power lasers.
Three-quarters of year’s trading reflect overall improved sales and orders; fiber optics sales up 9%.
Manufacturing ramp on target for 2017 while demand for pump lasers and optical amplifiers grows strongly.
French developer of animal-inspired approach to machine vision says series B venture round will support US and Asia expansion.
Israeli company is working on depth sensors featuring optical nano-antennas that it says will outperform lidar and radar systems.
Rise of 5 per cent in latest financial year as German firm hails ‘game-changing’ laser cutter and diode developments.
Latest quarterly sales figure boosted by €80M revenue for EUV tool shipment, as TSMC outlines its installation plan.
£8.7M equity investment for university spin-out, with additional series C funding expected by the end of the year.
Nantes-based Armor Group says that its light, flexible energy-generating films will be on sale shortly.
Despite posting an annual operating loss of £12.5M, the UK maker of cadmium-free quantum dots senses a major opportunity unfolding.
Serial purchaser expands its portfolio with Berlin-based kilowatt diode laser innovator.
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