Proposed military-grade quantum sensors will require at least four lasers to address various quantum states.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology method achieves printing speeds of 10 million voxels per second.
Zepler Institute, Nano-Silicon Photonics Group, and Glasgow university to extend Cornerstone facility.
University of Rochester project could lead to more efficient solar power generation.
"MultigrAVE" project aiming to carve flow-optimised surfaces in metal surfaces, imitating shark skin.
Lund University technique promises new insights into industrial processes and combustion of fuels.
MPG's so-called quantum HD camera allows precise tracking of electron movements in individual atoms.
US firm’s hyperspectral approach, based around quantum cascade lasers, selected for Phase III of IARPA program.
Such laser-printed materials could halt spread of infections such as MRSA in hospitals.
Improved conversion from mid-IR sources could lead to terahertz optics using table-top lasers.
CSEM-led 'PHABULOuS' consortium gets €15M to raise manufacturing readiness levels of free-form micro-optical components.
Technique from Stanford University and Rice University tackles problem of non-line-of-sight imaging.
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