Researchers at TU Dresden achieve external quantum efficiency of 76.3% with scalable, lithography-free method.
Duke University spin-out wins Phase II funding to further develop device for clinical applications in low-resource settings.
System developed under 'UTOFIA' European project works in murky waters to depths of hundreds of meters.
Florida State University researchers use perovskite coupled with rubrene to facilitate photon upconversion.
University of Michigan project provides structural information without harmful X-rays.
Technique, using diodes borrowed from LLNL's National Ignition Facility cuts residual stress by as much as 90 percent.
Development funds allocated to many photonics-related developments and companies across America.
Laser-based quantum gravimeter under development at µQUANS scheduled to be field-tested on Europe’s biggest volcano in June 2020.
Panel session talks highlight systematic advantages of welding with 450 nm diode sources.
US-based researchers find microscopic manufacturing flaws and suggest routes to improvement of welding and treatments.
Simple technique developed at Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa, is "poised to expand applications", say developers.
Breakthrough system from NIST-led international group detects key wavelengths using photodiodes operating in the near-infrared.
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