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22 Oct 18
ASML, imec set up new high-NA optics lab for EUV lithography

Accelerated development should see next-generation tool shipped by the end of 2022.

18 Oct 18
ELI Beamlines reports 'first' generation of high-order harmonic

Successful culmination of year-long installation of the L1-ALLEGRA laser, the L1-E1 beam transport, and of the HHG beamline near Prague.

17 Oct 18
Germany splashes further €15m in quantum networks R&D project

Fraunhofer HHI joins new Q.Link.X consortium, funded by Ministry of Education & Research; aims to achieve secure optical networks.

16 Oct 18
Hamamatsu develops bright supercontinuum source

Japanese photonics giant delivers stable source equivalent to xenon lamps; allows high-precision measurements.

10 Oct 18
Muses platform delivers first hyperspectral images

Revealing analysis of Alabama’s landscape achieved by Teledyne’s Earth-scanning Muses platform.

10 Oct 18
Laser threshold magnetometry senses weak magnetic fields

Fraunhofer project employs NV-doped diamond as a laser medium.

04 Oct 18
Ultra-thin meta-lens enables fully-focused all-color imaging

Development at Columbia University overcomes problem of dispersion of different wavelengths; diverse applications.

03 Oct 18
Germany’s ‘Excellence Strategy’ to splash €2.7 bn on hi-tech R&D

57 new “Clusters of Excellence” – several focused on photonics – and substantial funding for next seven years.

02 Oct 18
Gentex and Teledyne win substantial DoD funding for laser safety eyewear

Pilot safety development product contracts are worth up to $98 million each, deliverable by 2024.

01 Oct 18
UK-Singapore team to build quantum satellite link

Quantum key distribution (QKD) test bed to be based on CubeSat standard; 2021 operations targeted.

27 Sep 18
Oxford PV targets 37% efficiency with all-perovskite solar cell

Five-year research effort with University of Oxford co-funded via UK’s 'Prosperity Partnerships' scheme.

27 Sep 18
imec combines solar cells to drive efficiencies above 30%

CIGS or silicon solar cells are integrated with perovskite to use different parts of spectrum boosting overall output.

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