AUTH-led project to develop cheaper and more power-efficient innovations in photonic integrated transmitters.
Pressure chamber recreates deep-sea environment allowing assessment of laser performance.
UCSB-led team to develop a CMOS-compatible platform for integrating broad infrared lasers for AIM Photonics defense project.
Leading perovskite developer says latest conversion efficiency beats best single-junction silicon cell’s rate.
Northwestern nanolaser uses same color-changing mechanism as camouflage-capable lizard.
University of Swansea wins UK prize for technology that could save steel plants millions of pounds.
Assembly machine from Fraunhofer Project Center to enable mass-production at University of Twente, Netherlands.
Reducing wavelength of light could allow it to be selectively absorbed/emitted by semiconductor, promising better solar cells, tunable emitters.
University of Adelaide device could be used in health care, environmental monitoring and control of contamination.
Yale uses light-sound interactions to create strongest amplification mechanism in silicon - promising new types of lasers.
KAIST (Korea) proposes caesium-gold-iodine variant to overcome stability and toxicity problems of earlier perovskite structures.
Wide-band, high-resolution, 100 million frames-per-second imager under development for UK’s new Rosalind Franklin Institute.
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