Lightmatter, Harvard and Boston University team collaborates on IARPA-funded research project.
Collaborative research in the state-of-the-art imaging centre, to be expanded in Heidelberg, Germany.
Trials conducted to assess novel protection filters on military system cameras against high-intensity lasers.
University of Granada develops system based on novel gas sensor and signal processing electronics.
University of Surrey and Space Power address challenge of powering satellites in low Earth orbit when in darkness.
Circularly polarized light and confocal platform reveal live-cell processes.
Source is suited to imaging, security, comms; group comprises SEAS, U.S. Army Research Lab, and Daylight Solutions.
Three-year project “Deutsche Brilliance” launched with Quantum Brilliance startup and Ulm University.
OnTRAC is a rail industry-focused optical sensor system co-developed in Canada with Thales and partners.
Multimillion-pound program led by Zepler Institute / ORC, Southampton, for new projects into hollow core and fiber performs.
Oscillator with double resonant-tunnelling diodes; performs significantly better than similar devices.
Shanghai team develops noninvasive test for condition of donor organs.
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