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SPIE announces its 2024 Society awards

10 Jan 2024

20 award recipients represent a wide range of achievements across light-based sciences and technologies.

The Awards Committee of SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, today announced the recipients of its prestigious annual awards.

Honoring transformative advancements in a variety of professional areas — including medicine, astronomy, lithography, optical metrology, optical design, and community leadership — the society’s awards recognize technical accomplishments as well as committed service to SPIE and support of its organizational mission.

Categories and winners are as follows:

  • SPIE Gold Medal: Akhlesh Lakhtakia For pioneering research on electromagnetic fields in complex materials including isotropic chiral, bianisotropic, and composite materials, metamaterials, and nanomaterials.
  • SPIE President’s Award: Katie Schwertz For outstanding service to SPIE and the optics community, through work that advances optical systems design, engages students, and shares the excitement of optics with the public.
  • SPIE Directors’ Award: Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop For pioneering research in optics and photonics, and for distinguished service to SPIE as a leading light in promoting educational programs and supporting women in science.
  • SPIE Mozi Award: Andrea Alù For seminal contributions to the field of optical metamaterials as well as their applications for wavefront manipulation and enhancement of nonreciprocal and nonlinear phenomena.
  • SPIE Mozi Award: Teri W. Odom For significant contributions to the field of nanophotonics and to the development of moiré photonics.
  • SPIE Britton Chance Award in Biomedical Optics: Gerard L. Coté For transformative advances in both fundamental and translational optical research toward the diagnosis and monitoring of chronic and infectious diseases.
  • SPIE Biophotonics Technology Innovator Award: Ji-Xin Cheng For the invention and commercialization of mid-infrared photothermal microscopy that allows highly sensitive dye-free bond-selective imaging of living cells and organisms.
  • SPIE Rudolf and Hilda Kingslake Award in Optical Design: David Shafer For outstanding contributions to the field of optical design including DUV and EUV photolithographic scanner designs that define the current technological limit of the semiconductor industry.
  • SPIE Harrison H. Barrett Award in Medical Imaging: Kyle J. Myers For fundamental contributions to the field of image science, with an emphasis on the role of science in regulatory evaluations of imaging methods.
  • SPIE Harold E. Edgerton Award in High-Speed Optics: Clara Saraceno For groundbreaking contributions to the development of ultrafast high-power lasers and laser-driven THz sources.
  • SPIE Dennis Gabor Award in Diffractive Optics: Jürgen Czarske For significant contributions to the development of digital holography, and related techniques for biomedicine, fiber communication, imaging, information processing, and laser metrology.
  • SPIE A.E. Conrady Award in Optical Engineering: Thomas U. Kampe For industry-recognized leadership in optical engineering, design, and development – including critical Earth-monitoring instruments – as well as for mentoring the next generation of optical engineers.
  • SPIE G. G. Stokes Award in Optical Polarization: Curtis R. Menyuk For pioneering studies of linear and nonlinear polarization effects in guided-wave photonics which have impacted basic science, telecommunications systems, lasers, and many other photonics-based technologies.
  • SPIE Chandra S. Vikram Award in Optical Metrology: Anand Asundi For numerous contributions to coherent optical metrology and sensing, with special attention to digital technologies.
  • SPIE Frits Zernike Award for Microlithography: Richard Sandstrom For leadership in the development of lithographic-grade lasers and EUV light sources.
  • SPIE Diversity Outreach Award: Preeti Jagadev For excellence in promoting and advocating diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM.
  • SPIE Maria Goeppert Mayer Award in Photonics: Iam-Choon Khoo For foundational contributions to linear and nonlinear optical properties of liquid crystals and their applications in wide-ranging, wave-mixing, and self-action effects.
  • SPIE Maiman Laser Award: Anne L’Huillier For the discovery of high harmonic generation in gases, and contributions to developments in attoscience.
  • SPIE María J. Yzuel Educator Award: Mary G. Turner For a lifetime of dedication to the teaching of optical design, and for services to the optics community.
  • SPIE Aden and Marjorie Meinel Technology Achievement Award: M. Saif Islam For highly impactful innovations in ultra-fast and highly efficient photodetectors enabled by photon-trapping structures.

The complete listing of the SPIE Society Awards and recipients is available here.

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