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Integrated picosecond laser developed for machine builders

04 Sep 2013

Time-Bandwidth Products launches the PicoBlade ultrafast laser.

Time-Bandwidth Products, Zurich, Switzerland, has launched a picosecond laser, called the PicoBlade, which is designed for optimized micromachining applications.

Based on the company’s established Duetto and Fuego laser architecture, the PicoBlade offers pulse-on-demand, FlexBurst and fast A/D modulation pulse control, up to 50W average power, and industry-leading pulse repetition rates (single shot to 8MHz and above).

A graphical user interface provides flexible, simple control of all key parameters required for ultrafast process optimization. The SuperSync feature allows for precise timing control for applications benefitting from the increased productivity achieved with high-speed line scanners.

Picoblade’s unibody housing includes a fully detachable, long-length, flexible umbilical cable for easy installation, horizontal or vertical mounting of the laser to optimize the footprint, a new proprietary cooling system, and optional hands-off wavelength conversion for green or ultraviolet output beams.

Applications include high-speed precision micromachining (drilling/welding/cutting), glass cutting, scribing, semiconductor and hard materials processing, selective thin film ablation and much more.

Time-Bandwidth Products specializes in diode-pumped solid-state lasers that are passively mode-locked using SESAM technology to generate ultrashort laser light pulses with pulsewidths in the range of femtoseconds to picoseconds. This technology enables a broad range of new applications for ultrafast lasers in areas such as precision measurements, sensing, optoelectronic testing, optical communication, clocking and switching, medical and life science diagnostics, materials processing and frequency conversion.

LASEROPTIK GmbHECOPTIKCHROMA TECHNOLOGY CORP.Berkeley Nucleonics CorporationMad City Labs, Inc.Omicron-Laserage Laserprodukte GmbHChangchun Jiu Tian  Optoelectric Co.,Ltd.
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