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UMass and Kollmorgen Corp. form new partnership

17 Jun 2002

The University of Massachusetts and the Northampton-basedElectro-Optical Division (EOD) of Kollmorgen Corp., have forged aunique, broad based, partnership that links academic research toreal-world applications. The alliance helps augment the company'soperations and research and development activities, and provides newopportunities for UMass student and faculty research in computerscience, engineering, and management.

The alliance gives the partners a strong competitive edge when competing for federal research dollars, according to Ed Riseman, director of the computer vision lab at UMass. "The solution to practical problems in industry emanates from scientific and engineering research," says Riseman.

"The University/Kollmorgen partnership clearly exemplifies the practical application of academic research, in a real sense demonstrating the validity of the research for government funding sources."

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