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Controlling Thermal Expansion - Strategies For Maximising The Repeatability Of Your Linear Stage 22 May 2015

This white paper explores the effects of thermal expansion on the repeatability of linear positioning devices.

Automated, reliable lapping and polishing systems make light work of hard silicon carbide and sapphire wafers 15 Apr 2015

Logitech have pioneered high precision lapping and polishing technology for 50 years. Traditionally the lapping and polishing of hard materials, such as Silicon Carbide and Sapphire, was labour intensive and time consuming. Logitech now offer automated, reliable solutions to guarantee precision, speed and high yields in hard material processing.

On-line Quality Control Measurements in Varying Conditions 07 Apr 2015

Modern miniature spectroscopy is well suited for process environments, where real-time monitoring of raw stock, routine processes and finished goods is critical. Modularity of spectrometers, light sources and sampling optics allows for deeper implementation of instrumentation into the process flow, and makes it much simpler to optimize setups

Deeply Cooled, Scientific InGaAs Cameras Facilitate NIR-II / SWIR Imaging for Drug Discovery / Small-Animal Research 25 Jan 2015

For decades, x-ray and UV-vis-NIR detection methods have been used in various scientific, military, and medical applications. Although generally employed to good success, these systems nonetheless have some limitations when utilized for such types of work.

Real-Time Imaging of Singlet Oxygen via Innovative Microspectroscopy Instrument 15 Jan 2015

New Two-Dimensional InGaAs Detector Thermoelectrically Cooled to –85°C Facilitates Scientific Research

Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging – application simplified… 15 Jan 2015

PCO consider the potential of fluorescence intensity imaging

The truth about range data 25 Nov 2014

DRS Technologies on how to assess thermal camera range capability for site design purposes.

Understanding line scan cameras 19 Nov 2014

Teledyne Dalsa on discover the benefits of line scan cameras, including perfect, high resolution images, and the ability to image large objects.

Sponsored feature: Vision systems – what you need to know 28 Aug 2014

Teledyne Dalsa on the key criteria to consider when selecting a camera-based system for manufacturing quality control.

Sponsored Q&A: MCT’s advantages as an infrared material 18 Jun 2014

DRS Technologies on the comparative strength of MCT for infrared detector applications.

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