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18 Sep 24
SPIE Sensors + Imaging 2024: Plenaries address global warming, quantum, and defense

Photonics and sensing technologies are key enablers to diverse application developments.

17 Sep 24
SPIE Sensors & Imaging 2024: PowerPhotonic launches new Variable Beam Shaper

Device offers benefits to laser welding, additive manufacturing, and surface treatment sectors.

17 Sep 24
Singapore group claims breakthrough in printing 3D photonic crystals…

…while Oak Ridge Lab uses AI to improve analysis of plasma plumes during pulsed laser deposition.

17 Sep 24
3M backs Morphotonics for augmented reality lens production

Netherlands startup reveals that the global materials giant is supporting its $10M-plus fundraising drive.

17 Sep 24
SpectraWAVE gets $50M boost for intravascular imaging

Series B venture round supports commercial expansion of system combining two optical techniques.

17 Sep 24
University of Turku thermal imaging monitors reindeer stress

Non-invasive assessment method could improve studies of animal welfare.

17 Sep 24
Chalmers U Tech combines nonlinear photonics and high-index nanophotonics

Nanodisk of MoS2 preserves “broken inverse symmetry” to maintain optical nonlinearity.

12 Sep 24
Trumpf opens €40 million extension at its Austrian site

Company has invested in new production halls and Smart Factory in Pasching.

12 Sep 24
Senergetics develops fiber-optic sensors to spot corroded pipes

Dutch startup’s technique targeting applications in chemical plants.

12 Sep 24
Applications open for 2025 SPIE Startup Challenge

Annual pitch competition welcomes participants developing photonics technologies for business.

11 Sep 24
Cellino leads $25M effort to scale stem cell production

US startup aiming to automate a typically labor-intensive process with laser-based cell management.

11 Sep 24
Fraunhofer ILT and Dreher to present new laser blanking system at Euroblech

Sheet metal processing method will be on show in Hanover between October 22-25.

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