daily coverage of the optics & photonics industry and the markets that it serves
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Optics+Photonics Showcase
01 Oct 24
Flir launches TrafiBot Dual AI camera to enable improved traffic flow, safety...

...and Teledyne Flir Defense wins contracts worth $47 million to supply unmanned ground systems for U.S. DoD.

25 Sep 24
ECOC 2024 showcases latest developments in optical communications

Expo in Frankfurt, Germany, reveals photonic innovations from big name suppliers.

17 Sep 24
SPIE Sensors & Imaging 2024: PowerPhotonic launches new Variable Beam Shaper

Device offers benefits to laser welding, additive manufacturing, and surface treatment sectors.

12 Sep 24
Senergetics develops fiber-optic sensors to spot corroded pipes

Dutch startup’s technique targeting applications in chemical plants.

11 Sep 24
Cellino leads $25M effort to scale stem cell production

US startup aiming to automate a typically labor-intensive process with laser-based cell management.

11 Sep 24
Fraunhofer ILT and Dreher to present new laser blanking system at Euroblech

Sheet metal processing method will be on show in Hanover between October 22-25.

10 Sep 24
Penn State metasurface allows real-time multi-dimensional images

Combination of metasurface design and machine learning reveals polarization data more easily.

10 Sep 24
ChemCam fires ‘millionth’ laser shot on Mars

After working for 12 years, rather than the expected two.

05 Sep 24
Nirrin wins $2M grant to advance spectroscopy platform for biopharma

Massachusetts startup working on high-precision analytical technique based around a tunable laser.

03 Sep 24
Renishaw supplies valve maker Domin with metal laser AM system

To boost production of Domin's servo hydraulic valves at its new facility in Bristol, UK.

29 Aug 24
UC Davis devises laser-based microscope for brain scanning

Faster, hi-res imaging achieved thanks to novel adaptive sampling scheme and line illumination.

29 Aug 24
Coherent unveils new high-efficiency lasers for SiPh transceivers…

…and onsemi launches power modules to boost solar power generation and storage.

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