08 Jan 2020
Applications in materials processing, LiDAR, medicine, Raman spectroscopy.
The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH), based in Berlin, Germany, is to present its latest developments and advances in diode lasers and UV LEDs at Photonics West 2020, in San Francisco, between February 4th-6th.At the German Pavilion, the institute will be showcasing its full range of capabilities, from design through chips to modules and prototype systems. BeamXpert, another FBH spin-off, will demonstrate its software, enabling real-time simulation of laser radiation in optical systems.
The FBH is also well represented at the accompanying conferences with 20 scientific contributions. In addition to its established diode-laser-based light sources, the FBH exhibits at the booth a terahertz camera sensor that operates in a broad frequency range between 500 - 2500 GHz.
It offers high sensitivity of NEP ≤ 50 pW/Hz0.5 along with a fast response time. Therefore it is ideally suited for imaging systems used for quality control in industrial applications. It can also be integrated into medical equipment, e.g., for diabetes diagnostics and spectroscopy.
Further exhibits at the FBH booth comprise:
To address such high-pulse-energy applications, the FBH combines efficient large aperture (1200 µm) single emitter diode lasers into novel passively-side-cooled multi-kW class stacks, to support high duty cycle quasi-continuous-wave pump applications. Available sources include > 3 kW stacks at 940 nm for pumping Yb:YAG (1 ms 200 Hz) and in a first demonstration at Photonics West 2020 (LASE – Conference 11262, Session 1), > 1 kW stacks at 780 nm for pumping Th:YAG (10 ms 10 Hz).
The wavelength only shifts very slightly with temperature - by 0.06 nm/K. The DBR-stabilized laser emission has a width of 0.15 nm and >30 dB side mode suppression. The bar is electrically driven by a new in-house developed high-speed GaN driver providing current pulses of up to 800 A with 100 kHz repetition frequency and higher.
Based on FBH’s dual-wavelength Y-branch DBR-RW lasers, the institute has developed a compact turnkey system, which is a fully operational light source with integrated temperature control and five individual current sources to tailor and adjust the emission. It is programmable using an USB interface.
The system offers fast alternating operation between both laser lines for SERDS to extract Raman signals efficiently from disturbing backgrounds. The spectral distance between the two SERDS wavelengths can be electrically adjusted using implemented on-chip micro-heaters. The system has been demonstrated for wavelengths around 785 nm and 671 nm and successfully utilized for measurements on food, soil, and plants.
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