daily coverage of the optics & photonics industry and the markets that it serves
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Optics+Photonics Showcase
16 Jan 18
Hyperspectral imaging detects tumor margins in real-time

HELICoiD project applies the technique to human brain cancer, with clinical studies intended to follow.

16 Jan 18
Volvo and NTU to trial autonomous electric buses in Singapore...

...and Osram demonstrates how infrared pulsed lasers are promoting adoption of autonomous vehicles and ADAS.

11 Jan 18
CES 2018: Photonics-based wearables and VR-AR human-machine interfaces

The latest showcase of novel technologies for monitoring health and fitness, motorcycle communications, enhanced VR gaming.

10 Jan 18
CES 2018: Round-up of new vehicle-focused photonics technologies

Automotive vision systems boost driver and self-drive safety; they can even spot when drivers doze off then drive them to safety.

10 Jan 18
Schott casts first six segments for ELT's primary mirror

Six down, but more than 900 still to go as the first few components are produced at Schott’s facility in Mainz, Germany.

05 Jan 18
Pixium to begin US trials of 'bionic' retina

FDA approval to evaluate 'PRIMA' implant in up to five patients with atrophic dry age-related macular degeneration.

03 Jan 18
LGS lands NASA laser contract for 'Psyche' asteroid mission

Mission will be first to use optical link to send scientific data and high-res imagery back to Earth from deep space.

02 Jan 18
Lidar scanning to map entire English landscape

UK's Environment Agency to map country by 2020 – to assess flood risk and for conservation.

29 Dec 17
Laser shoes prevent 'motion freezing' in Parkinson's patients

Projected guide lines on the floor in front of patient achieve clear reduction in symptoms.

19 Dec 17
BMW tests optical coherence tomography for better welding

Imaging technology could be used to improve on-the-fly assessment of remote laser welding applications in auto production.

18 Dec 17
Keck telescope wins funding for adaptive optics upgrade

NSF award provides funding for wavefront sensing camera; upgrade scheduled for completion by end of 2020.

12 Dec 17
PerkinElmer collaborates on photonic food quality sensor

Project with Boston-based TeakOrigin to utilize various analytical techniques including Raman spectroscopy.

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