17 Jul 2002
Eurodisplay, the triennial technical conference and exhibition devoted to research and technology in electronic information displays, will be held on 1-4 October this year at the Acropolis Convention Centre in Nice, France. The technical programme will kick off on Wednesday 2 October with keynote addresses by Bruce Berkoff, executive vice-president for marketing for LG.Philips LCD in Seoul, Korea, and George Metakides, director of Directorate E (Essential Information Society Technologies and Infrastructures) of the European Commission's Information Society Directorate General. The speakers will present complementary visions of a world increasingly characterized by pervasive computing and display-centric environments at work and in the home.
Says Berkoff: "We are continuing to see more and more features and functionality embedded onto the display itself - having the PC 'locked away in the walls' to better serve both the user and IT needs. We have entered a display-centric era where LCDs are at the core of an ever-increasing number of activities and functions from computing to home entertainment and more will certainly follow." Berkoff will explore the market and technology forces driving the new display-centric world, and discuss what this might mean for "display portals" of the future.
According to Metakides: "Progress made so far is rapidly bringing us towards the pervasive computing and networking era, with computing embedded in any/every physical object in our surroundings and with everything linked together through seamless communications networks spanning from the home to the global level. Displays in particular hold the major share of the final information communication and interaction with users." A number of display technologies are funded through the EC's Fifth Community Framework Programme (FP), which expires at the end of this year. Metakides will review these projects and discuss the objectives of the Sixth FP, which will run from 2003 to 2006.
For Eurodisplay 2002 registration see www.sid.org or contact Mme J Verdez, 19 rue Park C'hra, 22700 Saint Quay Perros, France: fax +33 2 96 23 31 64.
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