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Consumers demand larger television screen sizes

11 Jul 2002

More than 70% of US consumers would like a TV with a screen size larger than 40 inches according to a new report from market-research firm Quixel Research. However, only 18% of those surveyed currently have a TV screen over 42 inches so purchasing decisions are keenly price-sensitive.

The survey looked at front projectors, plasma and rear-projection TV in the US. There are major differences in plasma price expectations between consumers and high-end professional users. Half of the professionals said that they would buy a plasma display if the price were less than USD 5000, while the price would have to drop to USD 3000 for half of the consumer group to consider buying.

Consumers and professionals also exhibited different price expectations for front projectors. More than 44% of professionals would consider buying a projector costing more than USD 2000, while only 27% of consumers would consider this price point. Lowering projector prices below USD 2000 would bring in many new consumers, the report says.

For rear-projection TV, price sensitivities are similar among professional and consumer buyers. About 78% of consumers and 64% of professionals would buy at less than USD 1000. Quixel says that it would be unusual to see big differences here, as there is a multitude of products on the market and prices are already within consumers' pockets.

Hyperion OpticsAlluxaBerkeley Nucleonics CorporationLaCroix Precision OpticsTRIOPTICS GmbHUniverse Kogaku America Inc.SPECTROGON AB
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