17 Jun 2002
The optical parametric oscillator - a source with a wide and continuous tuning range - has been slow to enter the market, despite its advantages over the old dye lasers. Rob van den Berg talks to the market players.
From Opto & Laser Europe March 2002 About 10 years ago, the optical parametric oscillator (OPO) promised to solve the problems that many laser laboratories were experiencing with dye lasers. Before
the commercialization of OPOs, almost 20 different dyes were needed to cover the wavelength range between 400 and 1000 nm. The versatile OPO can extend that range
up to 2000 nm and hopes were high that it would find uses in many applications, from spectroscopy to telecommunications. The reality, however, was different.
Today only a small number of OPOs are made and sold by a scattering of companies worldwide. Is this the start of a slow revolution, or were OPOs never destined to
make it big? Although the principle behind the OPO had been known of since 1965, development of a product was initially hampered by the lack of stable non-linear
crystals with a high enough damage threshold and the unavailability of stable pump lasers. The first problem was solved at the end of the 1980s with the discovery
of materials like beta barium borate (BBO) and lithium borate. It took just a few more years to overcome the other difficulty: parametric down conversion was found to be
extremely sensitive to any variation in the pump beam's intensity profile, pointing, mode structure or collimation. Only when the injection-seeded Nd:YAG, and later the
Ti:sapphire laser, proved stable enough did the first commercial OPOs hit the market. "It was an immature introduction," said Margalith. "The big laser companies
sold a few systems based on their reputations, but users soon found that these products did not match up to their promise and had been introduced prematurely. This led to
a tremendous loss of confidence. You should never forget that non-linear optics is a very difficult technology to master." Phil Smith,
tunable products manager of Continuum in the US, admits that there were growing pains. "BBO is difficult to work with. It attracts moisture and dust, so now we only
apply crystals in sealed cavities," he said. "The temperature stabilization of the mount the crystal resides on required a lot of work. We also had to improve the pointing
stability of the YAG-pump laser from 100 µrad to less than 30 µrad by re-engineering the bench and mounts - you have to hit the crystal dead centre every
time." Arnd Krueger, marketing manager at Spectra-Physics, believes that the OPO has finally become a success: "We have more than 300 systems out in the field,"
he said. Spectra-Physics' nanosecond product combines two oscillators. It was developed to overcome a disadvantage of the first "simple" OPOs: their relatively
broad bandwidth far exceeded the transform-limited width of the pump pulse. Krueger explained: "We use a small amount of the pump beam to pump an OPO (the
master oscillator) incorporating a grating instead of a totally reflective mirror. The resulting narrow line output is used to seed a second OPO (the power
oscillator)." Alternatively, a resonant amplifier takes advantage of multiple passes of the pump and parametric waves through the
crystal to further maximize the gain. "Tuning is completely automated from 220 to 1850 nm," said Krueger. "With a bandwidth as narrow as 0.075 wavenumbers, it is a
wonderful tool for high-resolution spectroscopy." For others, even this wavelength range is not wide enough. Konstantin Vodopyanov, director of mid-infrared
systems at BlueLeaf Networks in the US, explained why: "The region between 2 and 20 µm is the molecular fingerprint region in which gases exhibit their characteristic
features. Light sources in the long-wavelength infrared would allow new ways to monitor atmospheric pollution and detect the presence of drugs and explosives at
ultra-low levels." Unfortunately, most conventional parametric crystals, such as lithium niobate, BBO and potassium titanyl phosphate, have no transmission above 4
µm. Vodopyanov had to find more appropriate materials that also matched commercially available laser lines. He came up with two promising candidates: zinc germanium
phosphide and cadmium germanium arsenide. Vodopyanov said: "We have shown that all of these crystals can be incorporated into compact OPO devices. Using
cavity ring-down spectroscopy, we succeeded for the first time in spectroscopically detecting explosives like TNT." The
solution to this problem is exact repetition, or synchronous pumping. By matching the OPO length to the cavity length of the pump laser, many consecutive pulses from
the pump laser can sequentially pump one circulating pulse within the cavity of the OPO. Although the Ti:sapphire laser has proved to be an ideal source in this respect, the
development of diode-pumped solid-state lasers has also driven progress. With their high repetition rates and excellent pulse-to-pulse stability, femtosecond OPOs are now
the source of choice for time-resolved spectroscopy. Spectra-Physics' Krueger sees a lot of demand from semiconductor and telecommunications research facilities
for tunable femtosecond sources of around 1.3 and 1.5 µm. They are used for evaluating critical semiconductor material properties or for developing techniques to obtain
higher transmission rates through optical fibres. In recent years, much effort has been concentrated on developing a continuous-wave OPO. This would need a single
pass gain to exceed the round-trip power loss in the cavity at all times, which either requires extreme pump powers - which no crystal can withstand - or some clever
thinking about the optical processes that occur in a parametric crystal. Efficient energy conversion of the pump beam requires a fixed-phase relationship between the
beams. However, this relationship changes as the beams travel through the crystal, owing to dispersion. In conventional phase matching, the natural birefringence of the
crystal is used to compensate for this change in the index of refraction with wavelength. This procedure - called quasi-phase-matching - is repeated after each coherence
length. It can be achieved by periodic poling in ferroelectric crystals - of which lithium niobate is the most popular - and allows efficient operation at any user-specified
wavelength within the transparency window of the material. It is no wonder that periodically-poled materials have replaced conventional non-linear materials in many
applications. The OS4000 has a wide tuning
range of between 1.45 and 4 µm. The various poling periods in the crystal can be accessed by moving it with a micrometer. Urschel said the main problem was stabilizing
the resonator length: "To this end we used an OPO cavity with pump enhancement. This allows us to stabilize the resonator length and lowers the threshold of the
OPO." This can also be done by putting the crystal inside the cavity of the pump laser, where it can access the higher field present there. This was experimentally
demonstrated by Majid Ebrahimzadeh's group at St Andrews University in the UK. However, the market for continuous-wave OPOs is currently small. Urschel said:
"We have sold four to research groups at universities. They are ideal light sources for a number of precision applications such as spectroscopy, metrology, and the analysis
and detection of molecules." As a further development he sees a green-pumped continuous-wave OPO for the wavelength range between 700 and 2400 nm. To generate
these shorter wavelengths, however, grating periods below 10 µm are necessary. These are far from easy to generate. Ebrahimzadeh says there are many more areas
where novel non-linear materials have led to breakthroughs. "If you want to make continuous-wave OPOs more compact, you have to aim for direct diode-pumping. Two
years ago we demonstrated such an OPO using an external-cavity diode-laser pump source by taking advantage of periodically-poled lithium niobate. We also generated
ultrashort, five-optical cycle pulses in the mid-infrared." Despite these results and the progress made by OPO manufacturers, most potential OPO users seem
hesitant about picking up on these developments. As Continuum's Smith notes: "We are hovering to see what happens. We are focusing on improving the products we
already have rather than developing new ones. In one respect the OPO has not lived up to its promise: it has not replaced the dye laser. We are still selling large numbers of
dye lasers." The OPO is a source with a wide and preferably continuous tuning range. It was designed as a replacement for dye lasers, which are often difficult to handle. An OPO is a frequency divider: it splits a short-wavelength laser photon into two longer wavelength photons. This requires a non-linear optical crystal, which converts a pump beam into a signal and idler beam. By definition, the idler beam has the longest wavelength. The crystal is placed in an optical resonator which resonates one or both of the generated waves and optionally also the pump beam. This feedback causes gain in the parametric waves in a process similar to build-up in a laser cavity. The sum of the signal and idler photon energies is equal to the original pump photon energy. Nature requires that momentum must be conserved, which implies a fixed phase relationship between the three beams. Under most circumstances, the variation of index of refraction with crystal angle and wavelength allows this "phase matching" condition to be met only for a single set of wavelengths for a given crystal temperature, crystal angle and pump wavelength. So by rotating the crystal or varying its temperature, different wavelengths of light can be produced.
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