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Contents: April 2002 edition

17 Jun 2002

Laying foundations for spectroscopy's future

Ted Hänsch has made a career out of pushing the limits of spectroscopy to ever more precise levels. Now he plans to measure the fundamental physical constants to see just how constant they really are. Michael Hatcher reports.

Aesthetic laser market looks good for Quantel

Back in 1993, when Alain de Salaberry stepped in to buy Quantel, the Paris-based laser manufacturer was piling up losses. Since then, however, its revenues have increased ten-fold. Michael Hatcher finds out more.

Conservators fine-tune optical methods for art

Laser-based techniques, once viewed with scepticism by art conservators, are finally gaining acceptance in a range of applications. Michael Hatcher visited Paris to find out about the latest developments.

The diabetes challenge

Optical sensor technologies could provide a solution to the age-old problem of continuous blood-glucose measurement for diabetics. But as Nadya Anscombe discovers, there are still plenty of obstacles to overcome.

Recovery in diode-laser market expected by 2003

The diode-laser markets for optical data storage and industrial applications are likely to see rapid growth in the next five years. A recent report says that telecoms applications will recover by the end of 2002. Rebecca Pool reports. News This month
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Obtaining back issues: Hard copies of earlier issues of Opto & Laser Europe can normally be obtained by contacting our Circulation/Marketing Manager, Evie Forbes, by email on evie.forbes@iop.org

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