28 Sep 2005
Good customer relations build Holoeye's business
Holoeye Photonics is bringing microdisplay technology out of the consumer market and into scientific applications. Jacqueline Hewett spoke to two of the company's founders.
Photonics industry adopts green standards
Photonics firms are busy preparing for a suite of new environmental regualtions drawn up the by the European Commission. Oliver Graydon spoke to Kay Stegmann at Thorlabs about the directives and their consequences.
Tiny spectrometer chip opens up new markets
Low-cost, polymer-based spectrometer circuits developed in Germany could inspire a whole range of hand-held and miniature products. James Tyrell finds out more.
Dynamic interferometry transforms metrology
Dynamic interferometry allows precise optical measurements to be made on the factory floor. Steve Martinek explains the principle and technology behind the technique.
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