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Contents: November 2003 edition

31 Oct 2003

Sales soar at dental laser specialist

As dentists begin to adopt laser techniques as an alternative to conventional drills, a small Californian firm is reaping the benefits. Jacqueline Hewett spoke to Jeffery Jones, the man at the helm of dental laser pioneer Biolase, about the firm's plans.

Liquid lenses eye commercial breakthrough

Following a recent cash injection of &euro2m, French start-up Varioptic is building a pilot line capable of producing tens of thousands of liquid lenses with a tunable focal length. Michael Hatcher follows the path to commercialization.

Surfaces and supports keep experiments level

Unwanted vibrations can misalign optics and cause images to blur. Jacqueline Hewett discovers how optical tables and vibration isolation systems can solve the problem.

Welding lasers * OPOs * Aspheric lenses * Infrared cameras News This Month
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Obtaining back issues: Hard copies of earlier issues of Opto & Laser Europe can normally be obtained by contacting our Circulation/Marketing Manager, Evie Forbes, by e-mail on evie.forbes@iop.org

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