Retiring head of the European Commission’s photonics unit will leave his position at the end of March.
Scientists reveal how two giant laser interferometers in the US have been able to ‘hear’ gravitational waves produced by the collision of two black holes.
Laser firms accused by Texas shell company of infringing an old Polaroid patent invited to gather at Intercontinental Hotel during conference.
Members of the National Photonics Initiative's neuroscience 'task force' to reveal technology progress at San Francisco meeting.
Impact of lasers, optics and imaging is clear in new business "hot list".
Educational and informative app and game from European Commission designed to promote photonics technologies.
Thomson Reuters analysis reveals scientists recognized for paper citations - including many working in photonics.
Smart photonics technologies spark interest at Swiss gathering of world's political and business leaders.
Investment now available for high-tech manufacturing proposals in Europe - but closing on January 21.
Improved contact lenses, a 'marijuana breathalyzer' and a camera no larger than a grain of sand are among the technologies vying for a share of $25,000 at Photonics West event.
Catapult center to receive total funding of £50 million to develop optoelectronic and other devices based on III-V semiconductors.
German optics giant Zeiss makes its debut at the Las Vegas event as photonics-driven advances abound.
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